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Standard Solar Installations

Whether for commercial, residential or open space, KWenergy is able to build the right turnkey solution and ensure that maximum use and profit is achieved.

KWenergy offers services to build standard rooftop solar systems with multiple benefits:

  • Savings
  • Renewable energy
  • Increased property value
  • Low maintenance
  • Reduced CO2 footprint
  • Energy independence
  • Government incentives (where available)

Grid Solution: A grid refers to the interconnected electricity network that supplies electricity to homes and businesses from a central source of electricity generation, usually a central power plant (coal, nuclear, bio, etc.). This system relies on a network of power plants, transmission lines and distribution networks to deliver electricity to consumers. A Grid Solution is where the photovoltaic power generated is fed directly back into the main grid network, usually at an agreed fee paid by the receiving power company.

Please note that the specific implementation and configuration of these systems may vary depending on factors such as location, regulations and individual requirements.